I. Overview about ODA lending
ODA fund management and on-lending are one of crucial activities of the Vietnam Development Bank (VDB). Programs and projects financed by ODA and managed by VDB are mostly in the fields of infrastructure, water supply and drainage, waste treatment, energy efficiency, renewable energy and electric grid rehabilitation, etc. They have actually been proving their efficiency and contributing to the socio-economic development of Vietnam.
As of December 31st, 2015, VDB is managing 460 projects with total commitment amount of approximately USD13.238,84 millions, outstanding loans of approx. VND146.572,6 billions.
Total lending-by-contract committed ODA capital can be seen as follow:

II. Forms of the ODA on-lending management
+ ODA on-lending projects under the authorization of Ministry of Finance, credit-risk free for VDB: these projects can be under the form of normal foreign capital loans which MOF authorizes VDB to be in charge of appraising, signing credit contract with project owner, monitoring disbursement and expenditure, signing disbursement receipt, collecting debt, transferring principal and interest to Ministry of Finance, directly disbursing or being a special account holder.
+ Target loan programs that VDB bearing credit risks: VDB is in charge of selecting and appraising projects, monitoring disbursement and collecting debts in a process similar to investment credit capital management./.