VDB successfully mobilized VND3 Tln G-Bonds
04/02/2015 12:02
The Vietnam Development Bank (VDB) on January 30th, 2015 sold VND3 trillion government-backed bonds at the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) at the interest rate of 5.96% p.a.
In the bid, the VDB planned to sell VND3.6 trillion government backed bonds, distributed at VND3 trillion and VND600 billion for 5-year and 10-year tenors respectively.
There were 8 bidders registering for VND6.308 trillion 5-year bonds, seeking rates of 5.74% - 6.3% p.a. VND3 trillion bonds were sold at 5.96%, 0.44% lower than the last auction (January 23, 2015).
There was one unsuccessful bidder for the 10 years bonds.
Since the beginning of the year to now, VDB has sold in total VND 9 trillion government-backed bonds./.