Participants are key persons working on supply chain financing activities or related ones from AEBF’s institutions namely: Korean export and import Bank (Kexim), Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), China export-import Bank (China Exim), India import-export Bank (India Exim), Thailand export-import Bank (Thailand Exim), export-import Bank of Malaysia (Malaysia Exim ), the Philippine export – import credit agency (PhilExim).
Asian Development Bank (ADB) has joins the program as a permanent observer and VDB - the official member and the host.
Besides, Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public (BCELP), National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) and Sri Lanka Export Credit Insurance Corporation (SLECIC) were invited as observers.
The training program is an opportunity for the forum to exchange and share experience on financing supply chain for export and seek for collaboration opportunities.
At the forum, speakers present different topics related to supply chain and field experience including: "Global supply chain and issues for Vietnamese businesses " presented by speaker, AP.Dr Phan To Uyen, National Economics University; " Financing value chain for export promotion " - speaker Sudatta Mandal - India Exim; "Supply chain financing for Malaysia’s automotive sector" - speaker Baharuddin Muslim - Malaysia Exim; "Supply Chain Financing - the PhilExim experience" speaker Celso R.Gutierrez; "Financing the supply chain" - speaker Nutan Thowseek -SLECIC and "Financing added value chain" VDB’s speaker Trinh Duy Quang.
The presentations are about overview of financing supply chain and experiences on financing chain for export in AEBF’s member organizations. Sharing information and experience are appreciated as useful and highly practical .
Financing chain for export promotion is one the forms of supporting busineses in general and export businesses in particular. This service is now being appraised by the Vietnamsese Government for implementation mechanism aiming for effective support to Vietnamese companies in the context of high competition from the global economy affected by the downturn . /.