Use of Fund to implement national monetary policy defined
10/01/2020 12:01
The use of the Fund on the implementation of the national monetary policy aims to monitor the national monetary policy and ensure the safety of the operation of banks and credit organizations.
The State Bank of Viet Nam has issued Circular No. 36/2019/TT-NHNN regulating the management and use of the Fund on the implementation of the national monetary policy.
The Circular defines that the Fund to implement the national monetary policy will be used for: 1. Lending to credit institutions has encountered problems affecting the safety of the banking system; 2. Lending to credit institutions joining the payment system to support the payment system in case of incidents threatening to ensure the safety of payment activities and the safety of the banking system; 3. other arising expenses related to the implementation of monetary policy have been approved by the Prime Minister.
The Circular defines subjects, loan amount, form and purposes.
The Circular will come into force since February 20, 2020./.