WB willing to support Viet Nam's growth

11/09/2023 12:09

The World Bank (WB) stands ready to provide financial support for and share experience with Viet Nam in four areas as proposed by Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, said World Bank (WB) President Ajay Banga.

 These areas are infrastructure and capacity development for logistics sector; energy transition, green energy/renewable energy development; prevention and control of subsidence, landslides, inundation and agricultural development in Mekong Delta region; and innovation and digital transformation.

At his meeting with WB President on the sidelines of the 43rd ASEAN Summit and related meetings in Indonesia on September 7th, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said he treasures the WB's companionship and support for Viet Nam in socio-economic development, especially in poverty reduction, gender equality, development in remote areas, and agriculture.

He congratulated Ajay Banga on becoming President of the WB for the term 2023-2028. He was convinced that under the leadership of Banga, the WB will continue to develop strongly and accomplish its missions successfully.
The Vietnamese Government, said Prime Minister Pham, always attaches importance to and wishes to continue to receive active and effective support from the World Bank./.
Source: baochinhphu.vn

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