Message from the Host
Dear colleagues, friends and partners,
21/04/2015 12:04
On behalf of the Board of Management of VDB, I would like to express my warmest thanks to Datuk Wan Azhar Ahmad, Chairman of ADFIAP’s Board of Director , Mr. Octavio B.Peralta – ADFIAP’s General Secretary , ADFIAP team members and representatives for giving VDB the honor to host the ADFIAP 38th annual meeting in Nha Trang City, Vietnam.
Sustainable development is a global trend that we are struggling towards, and also an important strategic objective that Vietnamese Government is pursuing. After 10 years of implementing the sustainable development policy, Vietnam has overcome underdevelopment stage with rapid economic growth, living standards both spiritual and material aspects are improved and enhanced significantly. However, Vietnam still faces many global challenges such as energy security, water resources security and climate change, information security, etc that we must overcome to maintain and further develop the achievements gained.
The theme of this year’s conference is “DFIs & Sustainable Infrastructure: Policy Framework, Operational Best Practices and Challenges” which has special importance on the emerging economies in general and Vietnamese economy in particular in current period. To develop the economy, infrastructure is the most important factor. However, the infrastructure projects are usually large ones requiring high total investment with long payback period. The funding for those projects, especially in today’s global economic downturn, is a difficult issue for development financial institutions. In addition, to ensure sustainable development objectives, investment in the development infrastructure project should go along with the synchronization of social security, environmental protection inclusive growth. As a development financial institution of Vietnam and a member of ADFIAP, VDB always wishes to expand cooperation with members of the Association.
We hope that this conference will be an opportunity for ADFIAP members to exchange experience as well as seek for opportunities for cooperation to overcome challenges, to develop towards a green economy, to improve institutional capacities and maintain sustainable development for the common benefits of their nations.
We look forward to welcoming you at the beautiful coastal city of Nha Trang from May 13 to 15 for the efficient exchange of the above issues and also want to take this opportunity to introduce the country, culture and people of Vietnam. We do hope that our conference will satisfy your professional appetite and leave the most positive impression.
Nguyen Quang Dung
Chairman of the Board of Management,
Vietnam Development Bank