ADFIAP’s history and main activities
Founded on October 1st, 1976, ADFIAP is a non-governmental organization to respond to the need of development banks in the region to be linked and mutually supported to improve the development finance.
Originally, ADFIAP had 31 members signing the charter under the aegis of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) - a special member of the Association. Until now ADFIAP has become a large organization with 131 member-institutions in 45 countries and territories in the Asia - Pacific.
ADFIAP is the focal point of all development banks and other financial institutions engaged in the financing of development in the Asia – Pacific region. Its mission is to advance sustainable development through its members. ADFIAP is also a founding member of the World Federation of development financing institutions composed of regional associations in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East. ADFIAP is a NGO with advisory function together with the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council. Permanent Secretariat of ADFIAP is based in Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines.
ADFIAP’s establishment is to advance sustainable development by strengthening, enhancing capacity of members and its human resources, and advocating development of finance innovations. Through the provision of development finance services by its members, ADFIAP envisions a future of sustainable economic, environmental and social development and growth in the region, with its people as the ultimate beneficiaries.
The sustainable development of ADFIAP is defined by the satisfaction of current needs of human but no harm to the needs of future generations on three aspects: economy, environment and society. Development focuses on economic effectiveness, environment protection and social equality– inclusive development.
Governance: General Assembly is ADFIAP’s highest body that meets every two years to elect the Board of Directors of the Association and passes upon organizational matters. The Board of Directors is composed of no more than 30 duly elected voting members who by their turn to elect one Chairman and three Vice Chairmen. Secretary General is one member of the Board.
Management: The Association is managed by a Secretary General assisted by Heads of service units that constitute the Secretariat. The Secretariat has a fully functioning business center and full-time professional staff to carry out its programs, engagements, and missions. Its serving targets are members, projects on training & credentialing, information, finance & administration. The Association’s Asia-Pacific Institute for Development Finance conducts regular training courses and manages the credentialing program of the Association. The ADFIAP Board of Directors has the mission to define future, vision, mission and operational goals of the Association.
ADFIAP’s service units
- ADFIAP’s Asia-Pacific Institute of Development Finance (IDF): ADFIAP’s Asia-Pacific Institute of Development Finance (IDF) conducts regular training and capacity-building activities under two types: fully or partially subsidized. Those programs are organized and implemented by sponsors.
- ADFIAP Consulting (AC): The consulting and advisory service units of the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP), sets the focal point in 127 current member-institutions in 44 countries and territories engaging in the financing of sustainable development.
- ADFIAP Responsible Citizenship Institute (ARC Institute): The CSR and outreach unit of the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP), sets the focal point in 127 current member-institutions in 44 countries and territories engaging in the financing of sustainable development.
VDB and ADFIAP’s Admission
The Vietnam Development Bank (VDB in abbreviation) was established by Decision No.108/2006/QD-TTg dated May 19, 2006 of the Prime Minister on the reorganization of Development Assistance Fund. VDB is a not-for-profit organization, its compulsory reserve ratio is 0% (zero percent). It is not subjected to deposit insurance and guaranteed for its solvency by the Government. VDB is 100% state-owned with operational term of 99 years.
Main functions of VDB: To implement State policies on investment credit and export credit; To receive trusted fund and manage on-lending ODA; To receive trust fund for allocation and investment lending and collect debt; To entrust other financial institutions to implement VDB’s credit activities; To take part in the payment system; To perform international cooperation in the fields of investment credit and export credit.
As a member, VDB has actively participated in the ADFIAP’s activities. In fact, in 2006, VDB enjoyed an observer status when participating in ADFIAP 29th annual meeting in Colombo, Sri lanka; In 2007, VDB was admitted as an official member of ADFIAP at the Association 30th Annual Meeting in Hanoi; VDB has become member of the Board of Management of the Association since 2012 and hosts the ADFIAP 38th Annual Meeting in Nha Trang, Vietnam.
Being a member of ADFIAP, VDB has participated in many cooperation activities chaired by ADFIAP such as: Annual Meetings, international Conferences. VDB has hosted the ADFIAP Conferences and survey program of ADFIAP in Vietnam, attended cooperation and study tour programs in the countries of ADFIAP member-institutions. Some of VDB’s remarkable activities are as followed: to host the seminar on "Management and Sustainable Development" in Hanoi (2008), “SMEs survey program” in Hanoi (2010), seminar on “Institutionalizing citizenship responsibility of corporate in the financial institutions” in Quang Ninh (2011); and the “Program of study tours of microfinance businesses and community development in Vietnam (2014) ...
The ADFIAP 38th Annual Meeting hosted by VDB will be held on May 13-15, 2015 in Nha Trang with the theme: "DFIs & sustainable infrastructure: Policy Framework, Operational Best Practices and Challenges ". DFIs are development financial institutions which include microfinance institutions, community development and revolving fund to provide credit of high risk credit, hedge instrument, equity participation in the private sector in developing countries. DFIs are supported by states in developing economies. DFIs provide financial support to the private sector for investments that promote development and help companies to invest, especially in countries with less market efficiency.
As the host of the Annual Meeting this year, VDB is trying its best for a successful conference. As a member of the ADFIAP’s Board of Directors, VDB has a chance to access and exchange information with members from different countries and territories, which open up cooperation opportunities for VDB as well as to perform political tasks assigned by the Prime Minister. /.