The funds will supplement an ongoing regional technical assistance and strengthen response capacity in Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
The assistance will fund the development of recommendations for improved outbreak investigation and surveillance, including in rural areas, and the strengthening of health systems’ resilience and capacity for epidemic response. It will support the supply of diagnostic and laboratory equipment for rapid testing to help combat the outbreak.
“ADB has a track record of providing rapid and targeted support to our members in emergency situations,” said ADB President Mr. Masatsugu Asakawa. “We stand ready to provide further assistance as required.”
ADB is collaborating closely with World Health Organization officials and other regional experts to identify areas for coordinated responses and possible further financial assistance to respond to the 2019-nCoV situation.
The Vietnamese Government considers fighting nCoV is a top task but still seeking ways to boost trade exchanges with China in a bid to mitigate negative impacts of the outbreak on the economy./.