Secretary General of ADFIAP pays a courtesy visit to VDB
17/03/2014 09:03
Mr. Octavio Peralta, Secretary General of Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) has paid a courtesy visit to VDB on March 13, 2014. He is received by Mr. Nguyen Quang Dung Acting Chairman of VDB and Mr. Tran Ba Huan, General Director of VDB.
ADFIAP is the focal point of development banks and other financial institutions engaged in the financing of development in the Asia-Pacific region. Its mission is to advance sustainable development through its members. Founded in 1976, ADFIAP has currently 131 member-institutions in 45 countries. As an observer of ADFIAP since 2006, from Jan 01, 2012 VDB has officially become the Board member of this Association on behalf of all financial member-institutions in Vietnam.

At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Quang Dung expressed his deeply thanks to ADFIAP and Mr Octavio Peralta in person for their support to VDB and expected a more efficient cooperation with this organization.
Mr. Octavio congratulated VDB for its achievements and contribution to Vietnam economy development. He once again confirmed that ADFIAP would maintain a sustainable and durable cooperation relationship with VDB. Besides, Mr. Octavio proposed VDB to host the 38th ADFIAP Annual Meeting, which will be expected in Vietnam in 2015. Mr. Nguyen Quang Dung confirmed VDB’s willingness to host the meeting. He considered it as an occasion to boost cooperation among ADFIAP’s members. It create certainly a good opportunities to build up VDB’s prestige in the region as well as in the world.